2238 Bay View Heights Drive Ste. F
Los Osos, CA 93402
(805) 528-3000

Dentist in Los Osos, CA

All our professionals at Dr. De Graw's practice maintain the highest levels of accreditation and pursue ongoing education to stay abreast of the latest trends in dentistry.

Duffy De Graw D.D.S.
Dr. De Graw grew up right here on the Central Coast. He realizes how lucky we are to live in such a special place and wouldn't have it any other way. He received his Bachelor Degree in Microbiology, with minor studies in Chemistry and Spanish. He later went to Dental School at the University of Southern California, where he received his Doctor of Dental Surgery.

Throughout his studies and career Dr. De Graw has dedicated himself to serving his community. In 1998, during his undergraduate studies, he took two years off to study abroad in Honduras. During Dental School, Dr. De Graw worked with the inner city school districts of Los Angeles to provide state of the art care to children who needed it the most. He also worked on Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles to provide care for the homeless. After Dental School, Dr. De Graw worked for a non-profit organization providing much needed care to children here on the Central Coast.

Dr. De Graw has also worked in private practice for the past five years. He strives to constantly receive the most current level of training to better serve his patients and provide the highest level of care he can.

Dr. De Graw is an active member of the ADA, CDA, and CCDS

2238 Bay View Heights Drive Ste. F
Los Osos, CA 93402
(805) 528-3000